DTP Ventura - Chapter Host

Tel: (805) 644-1621
eMail: info@mycmsloans.com
We’re a dedicated Mortgage Service Provider located in Ventura County, assisting homebuyers throughout California. We’ve been one of the top lenders in the tri-county area for the last 3 years. We’ve helped people find houses they doubted they were able to afford.
We Do the Heavy Lifting for You
With so many sources of financial assistance it’s nearly impossible for the average homebuyer to know what is available to them. Our job is to do the shopping for you, and assist all eligible applicants in finding the proper financial resources to purchase a home.
Our main reason for success is that we constantly educate ourselves on the many and sometimes daunting areas of the mortgage market. We have access to over 50 lenders and their guidelines. We also regularly meet with representatives from each of the lenders, where we discuss changes and new vital home lending information. We also hold functions where we invite the public to come and ask the lenders questions to get a first-hand view of lending requirements.
The difference between a good agent and a great agent is that a good agent will know the information that is given in industry standards. The great agent will seek more information and stay on top of the laws and changes in the market place. At one point, due to the market crash, rules were changing on nearly a daily basis in the mortgage industry. Many of the agents who had made a good living in a thriving market were being forced out. They weren’t able to keep up. In short, they were in it for the short term and weren’t prepared for the tremendous amount of work to stay up on the trends. While several mortgage companies were closing their doors, we thrived. Many of our competitors were stumped on what we were doing. There was no secret, only hard work and awareness kept us in the game.
It’s Not Magic, It’s Math!
There are no secrets to this business, and there’s no getting around the fact that numbers don’t lie. Our most important job is to give you a clear and concise projection about the home you may want to refinance or purchase. We’ll meet with you to discuss the type of home you want, review your financial standing and help you determine a price range that is suitable for your wants without killing your budget.
We don’t want to put our clients in a struggling position. That’s why we won’t give you a loan that you can’t afford. We simply explore every angle to maximize your growing potential